Monday, September 15, 2008

In Da Beginning....

K, so where has me Da Lat been? No Internet for way too long dudes. Anyway, I'm back with an ADSL connection, so hopefully no one will take this from me anytime soon.....:-)

Right, so I see I ended my last post on lunch..... all the way back in January, SO much has happened since then. But before I continue with my recent history, let me get to that “In Da Beginning” story I been promising ya’ll.

It all started way back before I made my grand entrance to this planet. I was hanging around in a warehouse type joint…. K, warehouse doesn’t actually describe it, cause it was really a beautiful place, lots of stuff to do, plenty tuna to eat, loads of sleepy places to nap in the sun. Just a very happy, content place, really.

There were the times we would meet with “The Creator Dude” He ROCKS by the way. See, I wasn’t really a cat with a body yet; I was a creation waiting to be created, if that makes any sense. We would all hang out and visit with The Creator every so often, did I mention He is DA BEST!!! Gotta love Him. Anyway, we Lat’s would love to hang out with Him, the times we spent with Him were SOOOOO cool. He was our big Dad, and still is actually, but as wonderful as these times were, it was the ’pre-destined throne encounters’ that us Lats really looked forward to the most.

As our places on earth became available, so we were called forward to meet with Creator Dad, and usually shortly after these meetings, depending on the decision reached by each creature, we would either go back to our existence as is, or we would go to the “great house of creation, preparation and training” Hectic! I know! It is all so official sounding, but that’s the way things are run around there. On time, everything having a place and a place for everything, lot’s of order I suppose you could say. It’s all because of the character of Creator Dude actually. His Character is in everything to such an extent that it IS everything. He IS, so therefore everything else IS. Hope that makes sense….

Anyway, back to da BIG meeting. So, I guess I don’t need to tell ya’ll that me Latster also had a predestined meeting of me own. Yup, it was FABULOUS!! I remember, I, like every other creature was so excited about my big day… I know it sounds really dorky, but I promise you dudes, it really wasn’t. This was, and still IS A VERY BIG DEAL!!!

So my day arrived in all it’s glory. Plenty pomp and ceremony, as The Creator likes. He is BIG on that type of thing. I think it comes from Him being The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords, not to mention the fact that He is God of the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLEEE Universe… see I told you he rocks with CAPS!!! Anyway, He and His whole kingdom are very royal and all. I mean it’s not that I have a problem with it, it was actually quite normal to me Lat, and everyone else that lives there, but trying to describe it to you guys on this earth is a little more difficult since there just ain’t the same honor and respect for such things on earth, and even the medieval times don’t come close to representing what The Universe God pulls off on an average day. Anyway, I’m sure you get da picture so far.

So, back to THE day. I remember being hectically excited; I mean I had met The Creator before, but always in the capacity of Dad and Friend, never as King of Kings and Creator of the Universe and ALLLLLLLLLLLL things. It was a little intimidating to little Latster, I must just tell ya. I mean this is THE dude that made EEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVERYTHING!!!!! His very presence has the potential to create things. Thankfully he has a rule; only if you open your mouth and speak it will it be created. Weeeellll, that’s not entirely true, if you open your mouth and speak what you believe in your heart that is. But for Him, he doesn’t need to work on the believing in the heart side of things, so it is only what comes out of His mouth he needs to keep a check on….. WHA HA HA… K so I make him sound like he has trouble with self control…. Nahh! He doesn’t, NOT AT ALL. But it is funny to watch him when he pretends to be having trouble with it… He used to have fun with us and speak something and it would be created and then he would go “OOPS! Did I just do that” WE were like Huh? You mean to tell us you didn’t mean to do that… then he would pack out laughing and say something along the lines of “GOT YA!”

Anyway, I will say He LOVES creating, some days it seems He just can’t help himself, he IS creation, every time he opens His mouth he is making new stuff…’s hard to even find descriptive words to explain His Majesty to you. He is sooooooo HUGE yet will bring himself down to the level of the smallest of his creation to make sure that the nitty gritty is operating and running smoothly…. WHAT A DUDE. “DUDE OF ALL DUDES” is what we used to call him at worship times. This is Lat lingo for LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS, BOSS OF BOSSES, CREATOR OF CREATORS in other words there just ain’t NOBODY above Him.

K, I know I keep on getting to DA Big moment and then get all distracted on how FANTABULISTIC da Creator is… sorry bout dat, it’s just that He truly is MAMMA MIA brilliant!!!

Right, so my BEEEEEEG DAY arrived. I was escorted to MY GODIE’s Throne. It was a huge ceremonial moment. Once I had made my way to where he was sitting and bowed before him in reverential fear honor and the utmost respect, my Godie welcomed me and motioned for me to come closer to Him. Then he hoisted me upon his knee and scratched my chin a little… Wait, hold on! I need to clear something up here, as I write this I can hear you all shouting “HUH? That sounds so contradictory Lat?”. One moment I’m bowing in reverential fear, the next I’m getting my chinny win scratched by this HUGE GOD! Guys, I don’t know how to explain the relationship. It is like you have this knowledge of Him in all spheres. You meet Him in the throne room as Ruler and King of all things and you can’t help yourself, bowing is the only natural thing to do, but then He picks you up and holds you close and tenderly like a good Papa should and you can’t help but melt in those same large arms and chest that you were bowing before a moment ago. You can’t help but once again just submit yourself to a scratch, a hug, or a tickle on the belly. Anyway, just felt the need to clear that aspect up.

Right so back to….. *drum roll*


He looked deep into my eyes and asked the question……….

Now you all wanna know the question, but me Lat needs to run along now, loads to do, so puleeez hold on for moi, I promise to bring part two to your computer screen as fast as I can. In the meantime I leave you to ponder the greatness of God Almighty!

Chow Meow!


copycat said...

Hi Lat,
Thank you for sharing your introduction to our humans with us. I can see that you really love our Father. I also think that He is the greatest! I can't wait to hear the rest of your story.
By the way, I've also read your parents' blogs. I can assure you, you are pretty lucky to have landed with such lovely people as Steven and Denise. You can tell Denise that I also get attacked by the enemy now and then, and every time it takes a lot of praying to get out of it. Next time I'll do what you did with the strange cat. I'll wait for backup, and then I'll step on his tail and hit him over the head! That will teach him to mess with me!

Latster said...

Hiya Copy Cat

Love the name :-)

Forgive my long silence, there has been huge changes in my house since I received your reply to my post. Anyhow, it is still no excuse for such rudeness. So my humble apologies.

Keep a look out for my next post for updates on all of this news. Me, Lat Cat has been very busy pacifying humans. Me Mom and Dad have needed lot's of support and plenty cuteness from me, my paws have been kept very busy.

So therefore no time or free paws to type like I should.

I do so appreciate your comment, thank you, whole furry heartedly. Please keep them coming, even if you don't hear from me right away, know that your input is very important to me.

You rock, Copy Cat.

Chat soon

L Cat