Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Introductions are soooo overated....

Hi Guys

This is me The LAT! Ally Cat actually (the Greek translation for "found in an ally"), but my name has taken all kinds of different forms over the years, and the Lat part comes from my name changing to "Lally Lat", and then "Lally The Lat", and then The Lat or Latster, which are the ones I prefer, of course me Mum does the "Lala" deal which totally annoys me, especially in public, but Hey! That's what Mom’s do, right? Embarrass you in public with loads of love, affection and baby names like Lala... eish sounds like a la-la-bye....

Okay, so I was born somewhere in February in the year 2000, making me an almost 8 year old Cat. Yep C-A-T for those of you a little slow on the uptake there, and y-e-s, I have a blog, and y-e-s, I do the same as all of you do with your blogs, I express on it.

So how does a cat express? Well, you find a human willing to work with you, willing to see deeper than most, and then VOILA!! WHA HA HA! Noooo silly, I don't mean in the phsychic, hand me your palm while I channel your ass into the next world, hokey-pokey, freaky, weird way. I mean, willing to see the creation of the creator in each creature including a cat, and willing to bring it out, to express it. My human of choice, Oooops! She will kick my butt for that remark, uh hem... I mean the human that took the time to recognize my many talents would be none other than me Mum.... yep Niece. Oh and definitely me Dad, Stevo, he is way cool too and completely gets me.

See, Niece decided it would be fun to express life from the family cat's perspective and so here I am, although I feel I must categorically state that I am far more superior than just the run of the mill family cat.

So am I a mere figment of a way too wild imagination of another strange human? mmmmm.... that's up to you. Is “Steward Little” real? Do penguins really surf or tap dance? Do rats really cook in their own bistro’s? Well I should hope so, or the world would be a pretty nasty place don't ya think? Well, how real it all is depends on the humans that are willing to believe, look deeper….go deeper.... Cue jaws music….HA!!! Dudes!!! Dudes, puleeez snap out of it, you're all too serious here. I mean if Hollywood can get away with it, why can't we. So here I am imagined.....real, you decide.

So, I got an "in the beginning" story for ya all, but for now here's a little background. I live in Fourways, Johannesburg, SA with my parents, Steve (Stevo) and Denise (Niece/Da Niece), they are the best humans a Cat could ask for. We are a happy little family unit really, we live and love life, and like any family have our ups and downs, but from a cats perspective this is THE home I was assigned to, and I wouldn't swap it for all the tuna in da sea....mmmm someone mention tuna, what’s that growl... oops me stomach again.....

.... ummm... now where was I? Oh yes!

Well my interest are varied. Let’s see, I love to eat, Tuna is my favorite at the moment, I tuna everything actually, pizza's, pies. sandwiches, k, nuff talk of food. Oh and then I sleep loads too, it's very important for cats to sleep a lot, all that protein to digest. Then there is my other most favorite thing in the world. My Ducati. I LOVE riding her, she is red and polished, driving to Durbs to hang with my surfer buddies and have fish braai's (BBQ’s) on the beach is my favorite thing to do. Although I don't do water much, and think my beach bum buddies have possibly had the sea air corrode parts of their brains, I mean how else do cats do water, especially THAT MUCH at one time. You got to have slight concussion somewhere, but I do however enjoy a good fish braai (BBQ) on the sand, watching the magnificent paint job in the sky as the sun sets. I also find the ocean dudes way more chilled than our city counterparts. Gauteng is way too stressed and if I didn't have my weekly "beach bum braai breaks" I might end up as frazzled as the rest.

Anyway, back to my interests. I live in a complex (loads of houses on top of one another surrounded by a large wall, not too romantic, I know, but it’s home) at the moment, and "manage" all the cats that live here, you see I'm da boss and they are my servants... LOL just kiddin. Nah Seriously! I got a little guard shift business going here, just to make sure things keep running smoothly, you understand, no riff raff or the likes of causing trouble in my Lathood (that would be cat neighborhood to some of you that are not familiar to Lat slang).

The guys, or "The Dudes" as they like to be referred to, are all cool cats, we got a good thing going, they work hard and I sleep hard, hehehe, okay I'll stop da kidding around. They good guys, and we all work together really, for the greater good of the complex, area and hood. My other favorite pastime is movies, we Lat's rent out cinemas at the midnight shows, and onwards, usually fill up the cinema’s. My parents are usually soooo slow at seeing the latest stuff, by the time they get there I've usually seen things 10 times or more. Of course I'm very selective though, I don't just watch any ol stuff, and we all know how much "stuff" is out there. I find movies are like fine food, you need to be selective of what you subject your stomach and body to, likewise you need to be selective of what you subject your mind to, hope you kids out there are hearing me, there are PG restrictions for a reason… okay, off me soap box, nuff preaching. I am always on the look out for good stuff, you know, important stuff, deep stuff, pointful stuff, stuff with meaning, reason.... I’ll explain in another post why me The Lat has such fine taste, will also post some pics, but for now, I got to sign off, I have some business to take care of in da hood, and lunch is coming up soon.

Love ya all madly and talk again soon

Lal Lat